Return to Play Guidelines
The COVID ‘Return to Play’ Guidelines for Fairport Youth Lacrosse
We are all very excited to get back on fields to play again. In order to make this a possibility and to make it safe for all of our families we have created a list of non-negotiables. Please know this is our heartfelt attempt to be smart and safe as we learn more from experts on best practice for doing so. Playing is currently a privilege and we are doing our part in respecting it so we can have more of it.
**UPDATE:** As of November 14, 2020, players are now required to wear masks on-field until further notice.
1. No player will be allowed on the field without a signed CoVID-19 release waiver for FYL (Fairport Youth Lacrosse), which is provided as part of the online registration process.
2. No player or coach will be allowed on the field without first completing the Online Health Screening Questionnaire. This must be completed for each practice date. The form will be sent the morning before each practice, to the email(s) you provide at the time of registration. A link to the Screening Questionnaire can also be found on our website, under the 'FYL Health Screening' menu item.
3. Players should come dressed and ready to go to practice when stepping out of the car. NO BAGS, or extra gear should be brought to the practice fields. Players will be assigned to their field where they will remain for the entire practice. Coaches will be present to meet the players. All of our coaches will be required to wear masks, especially when in-close instruction is needed.
4. Players should bring an adequate amount of water with them to practice – there will be NO refilling stations and NO sharing of water amongst the players. We ask that every player in attendance brings a reusable water bottle, and not a single use bottle of water. This will prevent waste, which trash collection becomes a far riskier proposition. Water containers for players will be placed next to a cone 6-10 feet from one another as to avoid contact. Look to the coaches for proper guidance on where to put your water bottle upon entry to the field. Anytime a player is not on the practice field, he should be practicing the social distancing guidelines of 6ft or more.
5. In order to maintain safe distancing for spectators, drop-off/pick-up is preferred. If you wish to stay and watch, we ask that you limit spectators to TWO people from the same household/immediate family. Spectators should maintain a 6 foot distance from each other. Spectators must wear a mask whenever 6 feet of distancing is not possible.
6. Only players and participating coaches are allowed on the playing field.
7. Balls may NOT be touched by any player with their hands at any time. Your stick is the only way you are allowed to pick up the ball.
8. Only ONE player will be allowed in the net at any point when ball hunting. Other players will be responsible for rolling the balls back to the goal or to the area where the balls will go for the next drill.
9. Players must be aware of each other and move in unison as to maintain the proper distance. Bathroom breaks must be coordinated as well, with only 1 person going to use at a time, if available.
10. Upon entering and exiting the field, we will have hand sanitizer provided and we ask that everyone sterilize their hands before re-entering their car.
11. “No Touch” Rule – players and coaches should refrain from high fives, handshake lines, and other physical contact with teammates, opposing players, coaches, officials and fans. Players should also refrain from touching any lacrosse ball with their hands and only use sticks to pick up balls.